[center][h2]飢饉 - Kikin[/h2] [i][h3]"Watashi no Ishida Itsuki desu. Doozo yoroshiku."[/h3][/i] [u][h3]Vitals[/h3][/u] Name: Ishida Itsuki Title: Reaper of Famine Age: 20 Sex: Female Date of birth: 5th June, 2055 Lineage: - Class/Major: Assassin Class/Minor: Rogue Occupation: Extractor Alignment: True Neutral Marital Status: Single Birthplace: Neotokyo, Japan Blood Type: B- Eye Color: Dusty grey, pupils included. Height: 5' 9" Weight:  170 lbs Hair Color/Style: Medium-length brown hair, tied into a high ponytail. General Appearance: Average build, C cup chest. Normally wears one or two scarves around her neck, a turtleneck sweater over a tank top and loose (but not baggy) jeans and boots. Skin Tone/Condition: Ashen grey, dry and smooth. Markings: A tattoo of a bar code on her right upper arm. [u][h3]Combat Stats[/h3][/u] Dominant Hand: Right Equipment: -Upper Body:[list] [*]Nano Armour - A set of form fitting armour that can be worn underneath clothing to be virtually invisible, this nano plating is strong enough to resist bladed and small calibre bullets and, when damaged, consumes ambient energy in the world to regenerate itself. [*]Personal Teleporter - A sophisticated piece of hardware implanted within her arm and wired to her whole body, the device allows her to transmit herself as an energy wave to wherever she chooses. She uses this to follow her fellow Reapers since she doesn't have a travel power of her own. [/list] -Lower Body:[list] [*]Jet Boots - A pair of boots that have miniature jet engines in them. With a tap of a button on her belt, she can activate them and use them to fly or hover in the air. They run on batteries that run out after roughly five minutes of continuous use, and recharge by way of solar power. [/list] [u]Weapons[/u][list] [*]悪魔のささやき (Akumanosasayaki)/Devil's Whisper - This monomolecular obsidian-edged katana is possessed by a death daemon. Much like Cho's sniper rifle Tac, the sword has been transformed from a technological marvel to a grim killing machine. It saps the life from her enemies and feeds on the souls of slain foes, gaining power as it feeds. [*]寄生虫 (Kiseichū)/Parasite - The wakizashi is a companion to the katana in traditional Japanese culture, and so too does she carry this traditional weapon along with her main sword. Possessed by a plague daemon, the short sword has gained a cruel ability: a dual form as a kusarigama, or a chain-sickle. In this form, the weapon's weight, normally a lead or iron weight, is instead a bright green Japanese lantern that absorbs souls for use by her katana. The sickle, instead of having a long handle and short blade, instead has a longer, slightly straighter blade with a shorter handle. [*]地獄の妥協 (Jigoku no dakyō)/Hell's Compromise - This Glock G-18 machine pistol is possessed by a lightning daemon, an angry one to be precise, and as a result the pistol no longer shoots bullets, but instead spits bolts of pure lightning and rage, essentially turning it into a longer range stun gun or taser. Still extremely lethal, the lightning bolts can either behave like regular bolts, or harder, solid lightning bullets that both shock and penetrate with ease. [*]毒の花 (Doku no hana)/Poison Flower - This Serbu Super-Shorty shotgun is also possessed by a daemon, a poison daemon. The pellets that this shotgun fires are no longer actual metal pellets, but round seeds that penetrate flesh easily, and immediately blossom into poisonous vines and plants that spread and entangle themselves in the victim's body, ending him in seconds. However, these plants, if willed by the daemon, can heal instead of hurt. [/list] [u]Abilities[/u][list] [*]Enhanced Speed, Strength and Agility [*]Enhanced sense of balance [/list] [u]Magic[/u][list] [*]Diseased Flesh - Being the Reaper of Famine means that Itsuki's flesh and body are carriers of disease. Getting any of her blood on flesh means a slow, painful death from the toxins that leech into her victim's skin and body from the contact. [*]Touch of Death - Itsuki's mere touch saps life from the living. A finger is a slow, sickly drain. Her whole hand is a painful, decaying smoulder that wastes away even the hardiest organic foes. Her touch, however, is nullified if her target possesses armour or a thick, hardy carapace or exoskeleton. Clothes don't stop her touch. [*]Corpse Flower - Itsuki is a corpse, plain and simple, and that means that most of her insides don't really work any more, though her flesh and muscle are still corporeal and functional enough to keep her together. Her inner being is a gross, organic fauna that powers her being. [*]Unkillable - Being a Reaper means that, by right, Itsuki cannot die, and just like her other Reaper comrades, upon taking damage almost or equal to death, she will not be able to function any more while she regenerates. Her body will shrivel and regrow itself from the bud of a humongous flower that blooms from her corpse, though this process takes much time. [/list] [u][h3]Bio[/h3][/u] Voice: Peppy, cheery and quite high-pitched, a typical sounding voice for a Japanese lady her  age. Personality: Peppy and bubbly, Itsuki is a shining contrast to the other Reapers in her cheerful demeanour. She takes great joy in what she does, not psychopathic joy but true happiness. Sure, she finds the business of death to be a saddening thing, but she believes that helping people along their path to the next life is the best way she can help them. And she's happy because of that. Itsuki loves to be curious too, and especially enjoys learning new things like languages. When it's time to be serious, she can get deadly serious though. Backstory: Ishida Itsuki was born in a futuristic version of Earth, where technology had accelerated and advanced far faster than our Earth. Tokyo was one of the biggest technology centers in the world, producing much of Japan's drones, robots and AI workers. She spent much of her childhood in wonder and awe of her city's many wonders, yet most were not meant for her. Her child days were spent in a slum, where her parents lived and worked, struggling to maintain jobs and a comfortable life whilst those above them had comfort, pleasure and their desires taken care of by technology. Through her teenage years she grew jaded and cynical about the life she led, always dreaming and fantasising about the life she wanted. Then, one day, she was "approached" by the leader of a smuggling syndicate. She was to be taken in and trained to be a killer; an ender of lives so that others would prosper. So she accepted. She was mentored in the way of the sword and of the gun, and by her eighteenth birthday the name Ishida Itsuki sent shivers down the spines of rival gangs and even the Yakuza, who had heard of her impossible feats of killing and death-defying escapes from crime scenes. Her rise to criminal stardom led the Tokyo police to brand her the "Flower of Death", in similarity to the flower motif she sported on all of her gear. Two years followed. Two long years of fighting, killing, slaughtering and shooting. Taking lives, but never giving any. Just like her life in poverty, Itsuki soon grew cynical about her current lifestyle as well. Sure, she was now rich, comfortable and pleased beyond compare, but she wasn't really content. All this death was strenuous on the mind and on the soul. It was this momentary lapse of focus that cost her her life. While she took a break and let her thoughts wander, one day, a Yakuza-owned syndicate broke in and captured her. For days, she was tortured, beaten and abused for information on her employers; information she steadfastly refused to reveal. The torture dragged on for days, weeks, even months, and still she held on. Eventually, growing tired of her antics, the Yakuza deflowered her, tortured her even more, and then left her for dead in a dark, dank cell in the bottom of their home office. She starved to death after two months. That was their first and only mistake. For it was that very day that the Darkness chose her, a starved soul, a corpse that was wasted away and drawn thin, that lacked a want and a need for life. It gave her life in the form of a seed, as befitted her motif, and the seed blossomed into a plant of death and disease that filled her very soul and body, resurrecting her from her brush with Death to enact vengeance on her captors. She did so with relish, slaughtering and butchering her way through each and every man and warrior she faced until, at the very end, she stood in the penthouse of the office tower, her sword and knife skewered through the chest of the man who had ordered her captured, her weapons sucking his life and soul into her body to be consumed as energy. Then came a man, behind her, who appeared almost out of thin air. A man made of shadows. And behind him, erupting from the wall, another man. A man made of fire. It was then that Itsuki realised she was not alone. Not when she had comrades. Friends. Reapers. [u][h3]Others[/h3][/u] [u][h3]Daemons[/h3][/u] [h3][color=9966ff]悪魔 - Akuma[/color][/h3] Meaning 'devil'. The death daemon that inhabits her sword, Akuma is a calm, collected daemon that contrasts Itsuki's more bubbly nature. Like his two other counterparts, Tac and Renny, he is considered the leader of the four daemons that assist Itsuki in her weapons. Being a death daemon, Akuma feeds and gains power by consuming life. He does this through her and who she kills. He devours the life essence of the person he wounds or kills, and feeds on souls collected by Sei. When he gains power, so does the sword gain sharpness. At maximum efficiency, or when Akuma is sated and full, the sword glows with a dark purple aura, and it gains a lengthened cutting edge made of that aura, extending a foot and a half past the solid edge of the blade. [h3][color=ff6600]生 - Sei[/color][/h3] Meaning 'life'. Sei is a plague daemon that inhabits Itsuki's wakizashi, and she is closely linked with Akuma. The two are brother and sister, almost, and Sei enjoys Akuma's company immensely and vice versa. Sei is just like Itsuki as well, being quite bubbly and cheery in mannerisms and voice. Sei's powers and skillset bring slow, painful death to the battlefield. Her wakizashi form is sharp, and every wound she inflicts infects the victim with a fast-acting toxin that numbs and disables the affected area within seconds. Her kusarigama form is sharper, and the chain that links the sickle and the weight can be lengthened or shortened at will. Her weight is a sickly green lantern that absorbs the souls of those she kills simply by being in close proximity to the death. Whenever the time is right, Itsuki lets Akuma drink of the souls collected within the lantern to gain power. [h3][color=fdc500]獄 - Goku[/color][/h3] Meaning 'prison'. Goku (not to be confused with the DBZ character) is a lightning daemon that lives in Itsuki's machine pistol. A younger daemon than the rest, Goku is one of those cynical, sarcastic daemons that enjoys anger and combat. Goku brings lightning and energy to the battlefield. The machine pistol he inhabits can be used to stun, incapacitate or even immolate a target with electric energy. With well-placed shock bolts, he is able to create a lightning prison that effectively disables the target's ability to move. [h3][color=00dd88]花 - Hana[/color][/h3] Meaning 'flower'. This poison daemon is the last daemon of Itsuki's arsenal, and it inhabits her shotgun. Unlike the other daemons, who all have genders, Hana's gender is...ambiguous. It refers to itself as a "we", implying that there are others just like it, linked in a sort of hive mind. Hana is inquisitive and curious, though its robotic nature leaves it as a particularly creepy daemon. Hana's skillset involves plants, obviously by the name, and the seeds it fires mature and sprout almost immediately when it comes into contact with a target that contains life force or energy, or even warmth or blood to feed on. The plants grown from these seeds spread aggressively and entangle themselves in anything, breaking apart objects from the inside out. [/center]