[center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/shinsengumi/images/a/a1/Saito_hajime.jpg/revision/latest/window-crop/width/200/x-offset/0/y-offset/64/window-width/272/window-height/136?cb=20121001151914&path-prefix=es[/img][h1]Drienuhn/Darien[/h1][/center] He sat in his chair leisurely and tilted his head slightly to the side, black silk hair falling into his face a bit. His sharp dark eyes were fixed on her and the small ghost of a smile on his lips made him look like an intrigued feline. A predator with too much time on his hands. But that was ridiculous. He was only a human boy after all. There was absolutely nothing intimidating about him. Nothing at all. "Hello, Miss Bessie," his smooth and cool water voice was soft and yet all to clear, "Pleased to meet you. My name is... Darien." He hesitated. But hopefully it would be taken only as amusement. Truthfully the very average human name somehow seemed foreign with the way his tongue rolled it out. In fact, her name too had been taste and savored as it had been spoken in that slow and hypnotic voice. Ruomahl had already left with the commanding and all too energetic girl tutor of his. His other brothers were no where to be seen. So that just left this little Miss Bessie... and him. Well and the peculiar girl with long black hair, who was contentedly sitting far off into a corner now, reading something. Drienuhn never took his eyes off of Bessie though. "Were you all...assigned to specific people...?" he asked slowly, languidly, curiously, "Or...are you allowed to choose your own...student?" [@Aisling]