Immediately after the striking knee to his face, Kanitah was railed with a volley of punches being thrown with no calculation. These were violent blows that rocked his entire body, and as Fury belted them into him he was pushed back even further. It was about this time that the engine had finished its machinations and he was free to move, but not before his face was bruised, bloodied and swolen from Fury's relentless onslaught. The punches continued to fly and the ground that he stood upon was torn apart as he slid across it. With Fury's reckless barrage of punches suddenly halting, Kanitah finally opened his eyes and saw Fury's hands unleash a blast wave to push him away. Deciding to escape Fury's range for a moment, Kanitah hopped just before Fury's blast was unleashed. The full weight of his blast struck him in his exposed chest, scorching him with its heat and sending him backwards just outside of Fury's kicking range. The blast dissipated after it struck him and Kanitah slammed his feet back to the ground, teetering slightly as he stabilized himself. As his feet met the ground a small crater was formed underneath them, the force of his feet stamping the ground was comparable to a Boeing 757 crashing . With a sharp exhale from both his nose and his mouth, Kanitah spat and shot blood to the ground. Apparently a tooth had been knocked out of his mouth, because a tooth was in the small pool of blood on the ground. As he assessed his face's injuries, Kanitah noticed that his right eye had almost entirely swolen over and his left ear had been cauliflowered. A huge welp was on his right cheek and at least two punches had been struck to his throat. If he hadn't had the engine online already, his throat would have begun to swell shut. Panting slightly as his vision blurred together into one uniform color for a second, Kanitah swiftly raised both of his hands and turned his hip, repositioning his feet so that his left leg was leading. His vision collected itself, tunneling back to Fury.