[@Jambo1117][@Maria 127][@Deaddlife][@Lord Zee][@nookzer] Alright we have enough people! Now, to determine who gets to play Blue: The contest will be a writing contest. Please PM a Jurassic Park short story(with a title like "Jurassic World RP Contest Entry"), revolving around the dinosaurs, the humans... anything really, so long as it's in the film canon (including Jurassic Park: The Game). The winner will get to play Blue, and will have the opportunity to choose to be co-GM; second runner-up will get a co-GM spot and choose their character's coloration (something radically different from the coloration seen in the first two films; the raptor subspecies/version featured in JP3 will be acceptable too); and third runner-up will get to choose their character's coloration. The judging will be based on writing and grammar, as well as how well it ties into the films (for brownie points, consult the JPLegacy film encyclopedia, and the Masrani Global and Jurassic World sites). Right now my living situation doesn't really allow me access to internet other than being at the library or at a fast food joint. I will give everyone until the 30th to get their entries in. Alright, everyone, be "those hardworking cowpokes behind the glass" that Mr. DNA mentioned! :D And have a GIF from the most badass fight in movie history! [center][img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150622235219/jurassicpark/images/6/60/0pid3E7.gif[/img][/center]