Any reluctance to fight in his usual unrelenting style had passed now as Fury reconciled the two sides of his character, or rather they had aligned for a short period of time. He cut short his kick as Kanitah flew out of his range and instead pushed off the earth with his right foot in an explosive energy driven stride forward. As he moved his left hand was somewhat behind his body, glowing blue as he manifested one of his most dangerous energy weapons. The energy glaive, as he called it, began to materialize even as he continued to pursue Kanitah, though he was quickly cut short by the explosive landing of the smaller man. The force knocked him back, almost off his feet, but he used his abilities as a sort of stabilizing agent and instead slid backwards about ten feet instead. The energy glaive kept building in his left hand even as he stopped his backwards momentum and re-asserted his forward momentum with a similar energy step. Charging towards Kanitah again he was prepared to react in two ways depending on his opponent’s movements, but if neither came to pass something different would occur. Should Kanitah still be stationary Fury would close the distance between them before suddenly jumping into the air about five feet from Kanitah’s position, moving too fast to be conceivably caught even by the trained warrior. However if Kanitah moved and closed on him Fury would instead slide low at the last moment and collide with Kanitah’s feet. Fury was relying on the unexpected and unorthodox nature of both attacks to see them through, because for now he was outclassed.