Words like handgun, radiation flew right over Ryann’s head while Will spoke to them, though she briefly noted that whatever ‘radiation’ was, it sounded dangerous and would be best avoided until she knew more about it. Questions came later, though. Instead, she focused on what she did understand and was most familiar with: survival gear. The sudden knowledge that she wouldn’t be out trying to survive here without supplies had Ryann taking a slow, momentary breath of relief. It felt cold, and soon she was pulling her arms and wings closer to her small frame. She wouldn’t be cold for much longer though, if what Will said is true, and that made her a little less anxious than before. Ryann noted Dzel when Dimitri moved closer to her, being a bit curious herself as to the extent of the woman’s wounds, but couldn’t get a very close look. The woman herself looked well enough though that Ryann didn’t worry too much, and if she did, Dimitri’s offer to help her later soon set it to rest. The fact that so far, everyone here seemed kind enough had her feeling calmer, but still just as antsy to get out of the alter room. She followed the rest quietly when Will began to lead them out of the alter room, walking close behind Herbert who followed after Dimitri. She didn’t look back at any of the corpses, even though curiosity was stupidly giving her the urge to. Instead, she glanced over at Herbert, who walked beside her. He gave her a kind but uneasy smile which made her smile politely in return, though it probably looked just as uneasy. She was aware of how many glances he’d given her wings, and wondered if maybe he had a reason to dislike people with wings? Maybe he disliked birds? She couldn’t imagine any other reason. Before she could think to ask however, Herbert spoke his question first. [i]“Where are you from?”[/i] Ryann really hadn’t expected the question, so it took a moment for her half frozen mind to process it correctly. She watched Bizbee scuttle across the man’s shirt collar and chirp lightly from his shoulder before finally pulling her cheek up in a crooked grin. “I’m from Cass Island.” Ryann chirped proudly, hoping maybe the name would be recognized and it would turn out that she hadn’t been blown that far from home after all. “It’s a part of the Blue Archipelago, nearing the coast of Jericho.” She hurried to clarify, worried that maybe she’d been too vague. Limbo was a pretty large place after all, but nearly everyone knew of at least one of the three major islands. “It’s a nice place. Much warmer than here.” She added with good humor before descending the last of the stairs. It felt nice to finally escape the cold, and Ryann was pretty sure that if her toes could speak, they’d be screaming thank you to whoever left this room warm and untouched. She waddled in along with everyone else, briefly watching Dimitri and the knight lady settle down in one of the corners of the room, before finding herself a nice spot to sit. She decided to settle beside the supplies, eager to find warmer clothing. Ryann wasted no time quickly pulling open one of the bags and tearing through its contents. What she found she was very pleased with, and she decided to share her excitement by enthusiastically waving each item she pulled out at Herbert. She stopped after pulling out an unsealed bottle of peach schnapps, giving it a quick inspection before finding it uninteresting, and tossing it beside the bag. Instead, she tossed her attention to the winter clothing. Having claimed this supplies as her, she quickly began carving a hole into the back of her coat with the utility knife so that she could fit her wings comfortably. “This is really great!” she chirped while happily cutting through thick fabric. At least she knew they wouldn’t die of exposure. She wasn’t sure what a lot of the other supplies was, like the spam or the stove, but she was pretty confident they’d be able to survive easily thanks to this. [i] "Someone toss me that bottle please!"[/i] Ryann glanced over to Dimitri, who was sprawled out on the ground and then back to the bottle labeled peach schnapps. With a shrug, she picked it up and quickly walked the bottle over to the monk, handing it to him politely before turning to walk back to her pile of supplies. She stopped short however, after a familiar croak like chirp caught her ears. Ryann stood up straight and listened for it again, patiently. Eventually, from somewhere in the heap of supplies, the chirping erupted again, this time a bit louder. “Roach!?” Ryann suddenly sputtered and immediately reminded that she hadn’t been traveling alone before waking up here. Was her poor crabby friend hiding somewhere in here then? She couldn’t fathom how he ended up in this room, so far from where she originated, but didn’t waste any time thinking about it before quickly darting back to the supplies. “Does anyone see a large crab here?” she blurted out in her panic, not bothering to give much more of an explanation while she focused on pulling open each of the bags.