[@thewizardguy](sorry for the IC-emo post. I'm seriously not trying to be a stereotype!) [url]https://youtu.be/fijwflZfBs4[/url] Mithias slipped into the cave close behind the fuzzy Alice. He could hear her catching her breath, as she was very much alive and dependent on things like water and air. So delicate was life, and such bravery she had to risk it to fight for her people. Mithias hoped that she was at least not lonely. The cave was dark, yet somehow, Alice could see. As she began to light the fire, it suddenly started of its own accord. A small flame under the wood sparked its light unexpectedly and slowly grew. Mithias shook the snow off of himself near the entrance. It fell like white dust from his black hair. His body had been dead cold, so none of it had melted on him, and he was dry as a bone. He had lit the fire, of course, but didn't bother to acknowledge that fact as he approached to sit beside Alice. "You're shivering." He said, somewhat surprised to see someone with her gifts suffering from cold. "Let me see if I can help with that." Instead of putting an arm or a coat around her, he sat crosslegged near the campfire and concentrated. With control, he could warm the air just a little, warm the rocks beneath them, and possibly cook a piece of meat without burning the hell out of it. Mithias was very careful, and after a few minutes, the small area was at least above freezing. Someone alive might have even called it comfortable. The vampire sighed and found himself staring into the fire. He wasn't wary of Alice at all and completely trusted her behind his back. He had too much on his mind. Too much, as the flames waved and danced in their characteristic way, the same way they did when Alucard was throwing fireballs at Bob. And then Bob, doing what he had to, threw that death attack... Mithias shuddered a breath. "Tsukune." He said softly, grief stabbing him. He knew it was going to hurt, and it did, and there was no way he could ever bring his dear friend back. But that wasn't even the only loss. In the quiet of the cave, he got the chance to face his feelings. "Forgive me, Alice. I haven't had a moment's peace since... terrible things have happened. Terrible things." Mithias struggled against the tide of emotions. He tried to keep talking. "You know, I am greatly impressed by you. I admire you. Alone in this eternal cold, you fight as only you can. I don't know if you fight for family, or for revenge, or for simply hope in an unknown future, but you bravely face the odds. It makes me consider what I fight for. I remember walking up in a strange world long ago, and that I once had the life of a vampire and a maker that called my father. Heh, he was a terrible father, and I was a terrible child, and we unfortunately never made amends. But, the first being I met in this new um... 'manifestation of my consciousness' reminded me of him. He was also a twisted devil, but he showed me many things. He protected me from the Godkiller when I was but a whelp. Ah, but I'm still a whelp." Mithias started to laugh, but then quickly it changed to tears. "I only wanted to protect him! Why?! Alice, I can't tell you any more." He covered his face in his arms. There were so many people he couldn't get to, mainly Drac's family and Bug, but also whoever else the Omegans were threatening at the present time. Tsukune's death, Drac's betrayal and death, watching a corrupted version of himself join the enemy and die, and his own failure to save those he loved. Now he couldn't even talk about it without risking losing his soul. To Alice, Mithias' story would certainly have been confusing, but it would also be clear the vampire was fairly fucked up. At least he still seemed to have a good heart.