[b]Adalwolf “Ada” Stroud[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance [/b] [img]http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/Xyanthra/jana1_zpsaavsxs3c.jpg[/img] [b][i]Background & Personality[/i][/b] Ada was born in New Denver, to a distant mother, a strict father, and a charismatic older brother. She has few traditionally pleasant memories of her family, despite their opulent lifestyle. Her only memories involve strict training--both she and her brother were being groomed to become part of a complex criminal organization that her parents belonged to. In fact, they were born simply to become another cog in the organization, just like their parents were. The organization, known as Espevada, was generations old, and was run by family dynasties that used planned breeding in order to create their members, rather than recruiting from the outside. Because of this, the organization was full of violently loyal individuals, each one related to one another in some way, creating a strong bond and sense of responsibility that kept Espevada strong for so long. However, there was one member that abhorred the organization--that person was Ada’s brother, Vinzente. Somehow, the loyalty indoctrination program he went through as a child was ineffective; despite this, he pretended that it worked, and continued his training. By the time he was 20, he knew all the secrets of the organization, and was set to be matched to one of his cousins to continue the breeding cycle. Instead, he exposed the organization to the authorities--causing a small war, which the family lost very quickly. Unlike her brother, Ada was fiercely loyal to the family, and was extremely diligent in her training. She was 16 when her brother betrayed Espevada--and she immediately volunteered to assassinate him, desperate to prove her worth to the family. They agreed, believing that she would have the best chance to get close to him. She did get close to him, but when the time came to kill him, she hesitated. They had a heated discussion, and slowly he was breaking down the walls built up by her loyalty training, leaving her extremely confused. She was still deciding whether to kill him or not when a shot rang through the air, and Vinzente slumped into her arms, whispering his last words to her before dying. Traumatized, she dropped his body and her weapon, and watched in shock as her mother came out of the shadows with a gun pointing at her. Apparently, she did not believe her daughter would be able to kill, and decided to do the job for her--and now that she sensed Ada’s loyalty wavering, she decided that she was a failed member of Espevada and must also be terminated. Before she could pull the trigger, the authorities showed up--while her mother was distracted, Ada fled the scene, remembering her brother’s last words:[i] Go to the Undercity.[/i] Ada followed his advice. For over ten years, she has been living in the Undercity, making money as a bounty hunter and a bodyguard. Despite her relative success, she has never been able to earn even a tiny fraction of the money she had while growing up, but she can never quite shake her sophisticated tastes, and often goes into debt to fund exquisite clothing, lavish parties, and expensive foods. Because of her poor financial skills, she fits right in with other Scroungers, although the general lifestyle disgusts her. She tends to be extremely loyal to Scroungers, as they have supplanted her previous family--and family always comes first. Although many might find her stuck up and too high maintenance, most can overlook this due to her loyalty (and the awesome parties she throws helps too). She has distanced herself from anything related to Espevada, and often wonders what happened to the members that survived the war following Vinzente's betrayal. News reports claim that all members were either killed or apprehended, but considering that neither of those happened to her, she has no idea if more family members are lurking around New Denver... or even in the Undercity. [i][b]Other details:[/b][/i] Ada has been making her living as a bodyguard and a bounty hunter, and so has all the tools of those trades, including basic weaponry, as well as her favorite pistol she named Vinz. One of her goals is to find her mother one day and kill her with her pistol, to avenge her brother’s death. She dresses like a New Denver citizen, though the quality of her clothing is severely lower than that of a true surface dweller. [b]Typical outfits[/b] [img]http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/Xyanthra/character_concept_2_by_auroracarina_chan_zpseut15hgs.jpg[/img]