"The river's gone down!" Wystan announced as he barged into the tavern. Usually sober and gruff, the ferryman actually looked excited, practically dancing over to the bar. "Gold nuggets and silver goblets await!" he sang to the girl behind the counter. A few months ago, heavy rains had washed away a section of the river bank, revealing a cave entrance. Wystan himself had found two silver coins on the bank above the entrance, as if the flood waters had pushed them up there. But until now, there'd been too much water rushing into the mouth of the cave for any but a complete fool to think of trying to explore it. As the flood waters started to recede and a few of the townsfolk made plans to go spelunking, rumors and speculation had run rampant and the whole place was in a tizzy over it. "Gear up, folks! Ferry's headed there first thing in the morn and ain't comin' back til our pockets are full of treasure!" Wystan: [img] https://mydailyartdisplay.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/the-ferryman.jpg[/img]