[quote=@The Fated Fallen] Wait... I just posted in your welcome thread! And yes, we're still accepting! As for normality, well if everyone was weird then surely that would become the new normal? [/quote] [hider=Jade Orthell] [img]http://i765.photobucket.com/albums/xx300/vipershinzou/brina%20murphy/BrinaMurphy19_zpsf1952dc4.jpg[/img] [/hider] This is Jade, she is a trash talking bomb that tends to be the life of the party and throw punches at the same time. Just a little spoiler. XD [hider=Viper] [img]http://i765.photobucket.com/albums/xx300/vipershinzou/Viper/VIPER11_zpsba9e6f2a.jpg[/img] [/hider] For story purposes, she would be the experimental fuck up a crazy Mage. Lethal and often misunderstood, she kills often and hides even more often. If she is accepted, Jade will most likely be tracking her down. Viper has golden eyes, fangs, is poisonous, and has very little social skills. I like playing characters that oppose the other characters in the game...because...well its fun. Let me know if the basis of her makes sense.