Edoric watched as the Stadium when to hell. Undead crowed the feild, feasting on those who could protect themselve. Fortunately for Edoric, he wasn't one of those poor sods. He had a plan to get out alive. With nail board stowed away safely, he pulled out his trusty Death Adder and dash towards the restroom. He had a good knowledge of the city's sewer system due to his job at Union Waterworks, one of the larger tunnels was running under the massive sports complex. He dashed past those who were fighting, those who were dying, those who were being eaten and those who refused to stay dead. A few good shots cleared the path as he pushed into the enterance to the maintaince room. [color=0072bc]"Freedo-"[/color], Edoric's voice dropped as he opened the heavy door to reveal a welcoming party of zombies. He stared at them and they stared back, both sides equally confused as if Edoric was a police officer busting into a semi-legal teenager party, [color=0072bc]"Umm... Hello gents..."[/color] [b]A few minutes later[/b] "AAAHHHHHHAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!" Edoric barrelled down the street with a growing mob of undead, angrey he busted their party, chasing him. Whatever small group was in the maintence room had cleared out and set their sights on a running long coat with a gun. Face covered in sweat, Edoric blindly fired off his gun as he dashed, he probably hit something. Weither that was a zombie or a street pole was unknwon however. Continue his mad dash through streets and such, he guessed some of the horde had gotten lost or found some other tasty morsel to bite. Their numbers were still too great for him to take on alone. He despirtly tried to think of a plan, but he didn't have anything to build with nor enough time to make something as he rounded a corner which he spotted his solution. What appeared to be two men, still uninfected standing out. [color=00aeef]"Help!"[/color] Edoric waved his hands as if he hoped he'd start flying (part of him wished he could), [color=00aeef]"Help me! Please!"[/color] At this point, Edoric hoped that the two weren't bandits and shot him on sight. Even if they were, at least a bullet to his smart little head would be a quicker death and becoming a Thanksgiving turkey.