As Dragonis was being dragged unconsiously into the doghouse his mind was trying to work out what had happened. He was on his usual trip to the library gerting all the usual looks and harsh comments when suddenly he saw his neibour leading a group of people in SWAT like outfits. After his neibour had seen him he had pointed and told the group "THATS HIM!" It took Dragonis a couple of seconds to work out that he was pointing at him and the guns were being aimed at him. A couple of seconds was a second too long as a man from behind launched a heavy tranquilizer dart into the back of his neck. His scales had came out blocking the other projectiles but the tranq had already done its worst and before managing to attack back he fell on the floor asleep. The guards opened the cell door and chucked him in. (So. Who wants to be my cellmate?)