et voila! Just gimme a shout if anything needs altering, I myself am a bit hesitant on the history but if works for you guys... [hider] Name: Charles Balderdash Age: 31 Gender: Male Species: Human World of Origin: Earth Are you a member of TRIDENT? If so, what is your job/specialty? Yup, a member of the Information hunting and covert reconnaissance division Appearance: Standing at 5ft 9in Charles is about the average height for someone his age though with slightly better built physique from his morning jogs, but of course there will forever be a bit of a belly filled with custard creams. Eye sparkle a dazzeling green and his hair is an almost shocking red colour. A big fan of jewellery and accessories you’ll be hard pressed to find any time that he isn’t wearing at least a wristwatch, a couple of wrist bands from various bands and franchises (Doctor Who being his favourite), a ring on the right hand and even a key pendant too. But of course for more formal occasions he's willing to go to just the wristwatch. Clothing varies depending on the job but when relaxing oddly enough he prefers loose and baggy clothing. Abilities and skills: Aside from the general “independent adult” skill (such as cooking, cleaning, filling out tax forms) Charles is also an excellent party host. Charles has a very weak but surprisingly useful form of magic. With a quick twirl of the hand Charles can teleport nearby items into his palm, but of course these can only be small things like coins, keys and USB sticks. Strengths and Weaknesses: + A charismatic man who could talk until the cows came home - He would talk even after the cows got fed up and walked away again + He’s surprisingly good at shifting a person’s attention to something else and staying out of sight. - He’s not a big computer person aside from just general use so some computing terms will completely go over his head. Use small words. + Multi-lingual - Poor café workers in Germany being spoken to in first in Japanese and then Dutch Equipment Requests: The general things like phone and wallet, as well as a few things like the standard issue pistol and a small laptop but the latter are normally stored away in a bag of some sort or at his residence at the time. History: For the most part Charles had a fairly standard childhood in Central of London. Although as a child his parents were always at a loss as to explain how he was able to grab hold of keys and coins which had been placed out of his reach on the higher shelves. School was school and he neither did bad nor that good at his subjects, just a little bit better academically than average. But of course he was very popular with his little magic and card tricks, although on many occasions his teachers would confiscate his deck of cards to put an end to the constant noise of them being shuffled and flipped. So it came as no surprise to find him on the streets at weekends performing to the many tourists that would flood the streets of London About two years after finishing full time education his friends and family were startled and shocked to discover that he had applied to an agent, or Covert Human Intelligence Source, for MI5 and while the organisation won’t actually say he was ‘Accepted’ as such people aren’t actually staff nor is there any actually formal application process, it was safe to say he got the job. And so began Charles’s new life of touring the globe, sneaking into very dangerous places ranging from war torn bunkers to that very nice office building in New York. It often during these ‘missions’ that his magical skill became very useful and often pushed to and beyond its limits (it quickly became apparent to Charles that he could not magically make that USB stick with sensitive information stuck at the back of a computer on the top floor appear in his hands as he exited the building on the bottom floor). Of course such things never really go unnoticed, especially with today’s technology. And even if you were able to scramble the Security footage enough to stop others from noticing someone’s bound to be able to. But still it came as a surprise when members of TRIDENT appeared offering him a job. Personality: Over the top this man couldn’t be anymore loud and brash unless he literally exploded into confetti but on the other hand he can be extremely sneaky being able to slip past even the most watchful gazes. Of course he does tend to get side tracked at times, especially if he’s bored, with a need to always be doing something and always on the move. As such it’s not uncommon for him to start proclaiming about his many big plans or goals, not that he’ll really be able to get around to fulfilling most of them as they tend to conflict with each other. But at times he can be a bit over ambitious and if not caught soon he may try to follow through with those ambitions which has led to numerous failed attempts, mostly at over complicated recipes, but such things rarely keep him down for long. [/hider]