[color=ed1c24][i][b]"Come on Jas, it's going to be fun. And think of all the treasure we'll find!"[/b][/i][/color] [color=0072bc][i][b]"It's not like you're doing anything else tonight."[/b][/i] [/color] Jasmine sighed, and allowed her brother's friend Thomas pull her by the hand as the trio made their way toward the town tavern. She was always letting them drag her into whatever escapades they wanted. Though, the short redhead didn't really mind. It beat helping mother sew, or peeling potatoes for dinner. The tavern came into view, and Jasmine started feeling nervous. She knew Thomas and her brother, Gerard, had been in there before, but she never had personally. Thinking back, she knew that she'd never really done anything that could be considered interesting. After all, her entire life revolved around her eventually being married off to a man that was hopefully better off than her own family. That idea never appealed to her though. Maybe if she had treasure, she could live her own life, and pick who she wanted to marry. Not that there was really anyone. The only men she knew she'd spent her entire life around, and one was her brother, and the other was the closest thing to one a man could be without actually being related. Thomas gripped her hand a little tighter, urging her forward, and giving her some comfort. They pushed their way through the tavern doors, and she immediately took in the loud noise, tasty smells, and the warm atmosphere. Moving quickly to an empty table, Jasmine could feel the eyes of many of the men on her. Blushing deeply, she tried to ignore their eyes as she sat down. Her dress wasn't especially appealing, dark purple, that flowed down to her booted ankles. It had a light v neck that ended in laces. It was a dress mother would have her wear when meeting suitors. Maybe the men knew all the women that frequented the tavern, and she was fresh meat to them. She tried to put that out of her mind as the barmaid came to their table. [color=f49ac2][i][b]"Wha can I get y'all?" [/b][/i][/color] Thomas piped up first, [color=0072bc][b][i]"Three pints please."[/i][/b][/color] As she left, the old man entered the tavern in spectacular fashion. It seemed the ferry was leaving in the morning. Jasmine wasn't too sure what they'd need for this trek, she'd never gone cave exploring. Hopefully Thomas and Gerard would know. Listening as the man with the book tried to crush the geezer's dreams, quite rude of him she thought, Jasmine saw their beers arrive. Perhaps it would be best if they tried to figure out who else would be going, either to work together with, or at least know who they were competing against. Looking at the tankard in front of her, filled to the brim with golden nectar, she grasped it with both hands. It was her first drink, and saw that her companions were watching intently as she raised it too her lips and gulped it down. It wasn't bad tasting, and was smooth, she just wasn't sure if it tasted like anything she'd had prior. She continued sipping as her eyes scanned the room, feeling as her stomach warmed.