Kiran exited her empty apartment. Her mom was at work, too busy to see her off, but Kiran didn't care. She was going to camp! As a sudden rush of dopamine and adrenaline ran through Kiran's spine, she couldn't help but grab her two heavy suitcases and backpack and rush down the stairs. Kiran giddily greeted everyone she saw in the apartment complex. After dealing with the anxious atmosphere that spread across the school at the end of the school year, Kiran was ready to finally [b]DO[/b] something. After sprinting to the nearest main road, Kiran vigorously waved her arms around, unable to keep her excitement under control. Soon a bemused taxi driver stopped by the side of the road. Kiran threw her bright, tye dye luggage into the trunk and clamored into the back. [color=f7941d]"Delphi Strawberry Service, please,"[/color] she beamed. Her face was starting to hurt, but Kiran couldn't stop smiling. "Got a hot date?" The driver laughed. [color=f7941d]"No, I'm just going to camp," [/color] Kiran said, forcing herself to calm down. [color=f7941d] "It's a really great camp. I have tons of friends, and the activities are so much fun! Our director is the best. And I can't wait to see my relatives!" [/color] While Kiran wanted to vent, she made sure to be generic and make it sound like a normal camp. It was difficult though. How do you explain such a magical camp when you have to leave out the fun parts, like life or death battles, and mythical creatures? She continued to talk to the taxi driver until they reached her destination. [color=f7941d]"Thanks for the ride!" [/color] Kiran said, handing the man a wad of cash. "No problem," he chuckled. "Have fun at your camp." [color=f7941d]"I will!" [/color] Kiran exclaimed, before closing the car door and retrieving her things. She then walked into the camp, taking in her familiar surroundings. [color=f7941d]"I'm home!" [/color] She sang to no one. Then she walked straight to her cabin, keeping her focus on the task ahead, unpacking. She placed her belongings in their respective location, trying to be neat and organized. However, she knew by the end of summer, her things would be a mess. But for now she'd at least pretend that she was a neat and organized person. While unpacking Kiran chatted with her siblings, complaining about school and parents, and talking about some monster in counters during the school year. Those who had stayed year-long also had stories to tell. After everything was put away Kiran wandered the camp, greeting old friends and introducing herself to new faces. But, as the day wore on, something seemed off. Unbeknownst to Kiran, a civil war was brewing.