[h3]A Delicate Battle, The Rivalry Of Grey And Yunchang[/h3] "It is truly a noble thing, to remember our homes." Indeed, Yunchang's mind had wandered once more to the glorious nation of China, and to his brothers. Refraining from melancholy, he dragged his attention back to the pest before him. Guan Yu idly wondered if Dorian Grey was simply the reincarnation of Cao Cao or Lu Meng, put in this town just to torment him. "To forget our origins is to forget our identity," he added, another careful jibe at the man who was cheating him, the man who had one-up on the Celestial Emperor. One day, he would catch the fiend in the act, and then all the fake names would not hide him from the wrath of Guan Yu. He rested his cane against the table, carefully, where none could steal it, while he filled the small bowl in his hand with more Chinese wine. "And we must never forget our identity. Wouldn't you agree, Mister Grey?"