Hunter crawled out of bed with a thud to the floor. "Morning... Why must you come so often..." He was alone in the Nemesis cabin again. He was pretty sure he had one sibling that was supposed to come for the summer, but he had no idea when or if they were going to come. So for most the time he was in camp he had the cabin to himself. He hated being alone many times, though it made it so he was less likely to get into an argument about the gods again. 'No my parent is better', 'No Mine is better!' "All your parents suck!" he called out to himself and he rolled onto his back. "Well... time to get going I guess." Hunter picked himself off the floor and walked to the dresser. "Shirt, socks, underwear, pants, and..." He stopped, he lost his camp necklace again. "Dammit..." He looked around, he checked the dresser, under the bed, under the other bed he used, he even checked his pants from the day before. "Where did I put it?! Gods!" He turned around and felt rough surface under his foot, he looked down too see his camp necklace. he picked it up, it held 5 beads on it. Despite the fact he had came to camp about Nine years ago he only had the Five, this was mainly because he was always leaving and coming back at random times. Hunter left the Nemesis cabin with his hatchet attached to his belt loop, and his sword on his back. Figured today was a good day for training. He knew he was a decent fighter, but he had his faults, it was better safe then sorry. All around camp people were active, today was one of the days that people started to come into camp again. "Summer vacation, now we get too see more people!" He kept walking. "Lets hope that not all of them follow the gods like cultist." He walked into the arena, most people were in the main camp area getting unpacked for the summer. So Hunter took this time too train. He set Three wooden Figures. They drew there weapons and Hunter drew his. "Alright, If anyone of ya want to give up, I understand, I am a bit of a bada--" One of the wooden figures. landed there wooden hand into his face sending him onto his back. "Gods... Oh gods that hurt." he stood up as the next automation charged him, He brought the sword down low tripping it, then sending the Hatchet into it's chest. The next one came, Hunter blocked its blade with the hatchet again, forcing it to the side, then sent the flat side of the ax into its face, then swinging it again with the blade landing in its head. And to make sure it stayed down he landed the sword into its leg then slashed again into the torso. "Two down, one to go." He faced where the last one was, but ti was gone. "...What? Did it actually run away? That's possible? That's Awesome!" There was a thud as the third automation landed behind him, as Hunter swung the hatchet as a reaction the handle was grabbed by the wooden figure. Then sent the ax flying across the arena. "...I don't know what day it is but it sucks now." It's sword swung downward on Hunter, he blocked it at the last minute with his own sword. There sword collided several times before the blades locked, when that happened Hunter took the chance to get close. He turned around, the wooden figures chest pressed on his back. He grabbed its torso in an upside down motion and used what strength he had to send it into a flip. Though the flip brought both of them down, though Hunter had the advantage of landing on top, and having enough time to draw his knife and landing it in the chest of the wooden figure. Hunter sat down breathing heavy on the remains of one of the wooden figure. "I... Won... I should... Celebrate.... with like... ice cream or something." This was the first time he beat all three, normally the last one would get him well he was finishing off the second one. This time it caught him off guard and it tried to ambush him. He felt good, he had his hatchet again, and he beat all three foes. He loved this camp, he hated the fact that it was a camp that supported the gods like a cult, but other then that he loved it, he loved the people, the beings, he loved feeling like there was a place for him. "Camp Half Blood, Still better then Vegas."