A multiple gunshots echoed from a distant area. "Survivors!" Greg cried. He shifted his body and tilted his head until he was able to locate the origin of the gunshots, "to the north" he whispered as he pulled his map from the side-pocket of his backpack. Quickly he located the destination of the area the gunshots came from. There. "We should Head there Colonel! They may be still alive." Greg said. As he walked to the destined area, he looked over his shoulder to make sure the colonel is keeping up and well, and he was. When they reached the block, there was massive horde on the motel doorsteps. They were trying to get in. Loud growls and screams came from that horrifying horde. Greg gave a sign to the colonel to keep quiet, and halt. He sat on the side walk trying to avoid the horde's attention. There was only one reason for that horrid view. Stranded survivors, "there must be people inside that motel..Carter." he whispered. Pausing and scanning the area, clear. "We've got to find a way in. Perhaps the backdoor?" Greg wondered.