Sakura and Yukoshi Elementary School Quadrangle Confrontation. Yukoshi Friend or Foe!? Yukoshi slung the unconscious man over her shoulder. She had a front row seat of the action taking place, Yukoshi peered in on the officer Sakura had killed with a single kick. 'Truly amazing.' The hurt and pain could be felt; that police officer had meant something to some of the others, that was evident when other began stepping up to Sakura. Her first instinct was to flee; Scorned humans with a strong feeling of revenge will almost do anything. And with the odds against them they weren't going to make it out of there alive or free. A feeling in which Yukoshi had never felt took over her; fear she felt like a coward for fearing simple normal humans. [i]'With their vast number of loaded guns...we stand no chance, I have to warn her.'[/i] "Sakura'chan!...." Her sentence cut short, as she watched the officers open fire. Bullets let off piercing holes through everything near by, they ricocheted off the ground causing further damage not only to sakura, but to Yukoshi as well as some police officers. Sakura's stomach, legs, arms, and chest bled severly. From the impact of the bullets her body twirled around to face Yukoshi; still she'd been standing. A ricocheted bullet bounced off the concrete and sliced her eye patch clean off exposing her white eye with streaks of red. Her arm extended to Yukoshi who could only stand their in total denial. She too had been struck in her upper left collar and her left arm. Finally Sakura's body fell with a thud as her knees hit the ground first. "Sakura'chan?" Yukoshi called hoping she'd just been playing around. There was no reply not even the slightest of movements. Stepping forth the rocks and ammo shells crunched and rolled under her feet. "Sakura...chan?" Once close enough to look but not be captured her eyes widened and tears streamed out of them. [i]'It can't be!....she's not!....'[/i] Watching as the only person Yukoshi ever cared about laid lifeless; created a knew hatred and pain inside her. Balling a fist her flesh began to twist sounding like rubber in her hands. "YOU...." Yukoshi screamed but stopped realizing the same animosity she felt Sakura had also felt. "All you humans want to do is kill, in slave, kill, in slave!!" Not once do you think about how the other person feels! You greedy basterds!" Shaking her head she took a deep breath. "Listen well! This won't be the last time you see me! But the next time I'll be the last thing you EVER see!" Yukoshi's fist glew a green color her wounds began healing. Her eyes closed and she mumbled a few incantations second later the blood seeping from dead officers, on the ground and Sakura's wounds floated above them all; separating into tiny little dots. "This is what I give to you now!" Her balled fist moved from her side to above her head. "Blood shall cover the land!" Her fist opened and the blood that was once above began pouring onto everyone there; getting in eyes, mouths, ears, hair. It stained everything allowing none to go clean. While it blinded some Yukoshi crafted a shield of blood big enough to shield them from further gun shots. The blood rain was enough to distract and hinder a good amount of officers as she grabbed Sakura's body and tossed it over her shoulder. Yukoshi leapt into the air out of the way of the blood rain; holding both the unconscious man on one shoulder and wounded Sakura on the other. "Now die!" The rain that had still been pouring down turned to sharp needles piercing the flesh of those below it. [i]'It wont kill the lot of them, but it will give me enough time to escape and find shelter.' [/i]Yukoshi thought biting her lower bloodied lip. "I'm sorry Sakura'chan." She held back to urge to cry again and the blood trying to drip into her eyes. The hand holding her emitted the same green healing powers as she pulled the bullets out of her friends flesh and closed the wounds all while jumping from rooftop to rooftop away.