[center][b]Name[/b] Sander Loraine [b]Age[/b] 18 [b]Gender[/b] Male [hider=Appearance]: [URL=http://s990.photobucket.com/user/nightforest/media/who_is_the_female__by_laovaan-d7q3ujj_zpsf4a47c3c.jpg.html][IMG]http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af26/nightforest/who_is_the_female__by_laovaan-d7q3ujj_zpsf4a47c3c.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Sander stands about 6’, with blue eyes and platinum blond hair that seems almost white. Though quite pale and gangly, which was not surprising for someone who had never seen the sun, he is fit enough, given the fact that his favorite sport used to be ‘running for his life’. [/hider] [b]Personality[/b] On the outside, Sander is mild-tempered and approachable. It is rare to see him without his lopsided grin and while he is quite private about his opinion, his face is rather expressive. However, the rough life of Undercity has taught him to only trust himself, and as a result, Sander is rather the individualist. He dislikes bossing people around and being bossed around even more, but would still follow orders if they benefit him somehow. While he mostly does things in his own terms and on his own time, Sander still understands full well the strength in number, so he hides his wariness with a smile and tries to work with everyone. [b]Background [/b] Ever since he could remember, Sander had been living on the streets like so many others. His days were often either spent digging through dumpsters for something to eat or wandering the maze-like streets of Undercity looking for a wallet to nab. Every now and then, he would scavenge corpses that the gangsters or police left behind for valuables to sell. Eventually, he began to ‘scavenge’ from locked houses and storefronts. Some of his more ambitious heists had got him into all sorts of troubles, so Sander began to develop a knack for disappearing into the dark alleys or up the roof tops. Sometimes, he also took odd jobs from various people around town, mainly to make some extra cash and earn some favor. However, after an incident that almost cost his life, Sander decided that he could do with some company, or in other word, gave people more targets to aim at other than him. That was what led him to become a Scrounger. [b]Other details[/b] Sander is often seen wearing an old hoodie, which is probably two sizes too large for him and is often decorated with questionable stains. When going outside, he often puts on a gas mask that covers his entire face. Also, he also has a night vision scope and a combat knife, both are obviously looted off a corpse somewhere. [/center]