[color=39b54a][u]Blake and Leon[/u][/color] Blake started to string up his bow as Leon was combing his hair. Both with a mission on mind. Impress the ladies. Yeah they knew the gods were arguing. Hell they shouldn't even be hanging out, Leon was an Aphrodite and Blake was an Apollo. But they didn't care. Their friendship meant to much to them. They had been through thick and thin and thick again. Black finished stringing up his bow and starting playing a tune. [color=fff200]"Ya know Blake, I don't say this a lot but I look good."[/color] Blake rolled his eyes, chuckled, and continued playing. They continued walking and winking at any girl that passed. Even talking to a few. To them this was the good life. Blake slowed his playing down and said to Leon [color=0072bc]"Ya know I hope this whole Gods fighting thing doesn't effect us too greatly. This sounds pretty serious."[/color] Leon looked deep into Blake's eyes and told him [color=fff200]"Blake my good friend, as long as we are together, what could ever possibly go wrong?The gods are gonna fight yes, but as long as we stay out of it we will be fine."[/color] Blake liked this answer, that's why he liked Leon. He always gave the right answer. Blake started playing again and so they started going around again just having fun and listening to Blake's music.