Alistair woke with the stop of the train. He looked around and saw the people getting off, kids jumping around, parents looked dead as ever, trains were horrible. He gathered his two duffle bags and satchel, he stepped off the train and made his through the station. Alistair didn't want to take taxi, too much work, and bus would take too long. He decided to go see his father and ask him for a ride. Alistair shadow traveled to Hades and appeared in the throne room of his fathers palace. Hades was siting on his throne looking over some paper work with those stress winkles on his forehead. [color=662d91]"Well you look horrible."[/color] He said to Hades. Hades looked up getting ready to smite who ever said that, and saw Alistair. His son was standing there with three bags some casual joggers on and a grey t-shirt. Hades put his papers down and rubbed his temples. "Well if it isn't one of my lovely children, who always has nice things to say about me whenever he visits." Hades said with sarcasm and needed sleep with every word. "What can I do for you today?" Hades said as he got up and went over to Alistair. [color=662d91]"I'm not feeling the whole public transportation thing today, so can you [i]beam me up[/i] instead?"[/color] Alistair asked as he bounced on his toes. He didn't visit his father often but they did right all the time. "You grew your hair out again, doesn't look bad. I guess I can help you out just don't ask too often." Hades said as he did the dad hair ruffle. He went back over to his throne and sat again. "Oh and before you go, there is a storm brewing on Olympus. So what ever decision you make I'll support you." Before Alistair could ask any question Hades waved his had and shadow swallowed him. When the curtain of shadow broke, Alistair was the familiar sounds and smells of camp. He stood right out side of the Hades cabin, the cabin walls are made of solid obsidian and a skull is hung over the doorway. There are torches that burn green fire twenty-four hours a day. Everything around the cabin seemed to not have any color to it, lifeless. The only thing missing was the heavy thick fog and the skeletons walking around. Alistair stepped inside, and looked at the familiar surroundings. Inside the cabin the beds are coffin shaped with blood red pillows and sheets. There is also a small shrine with bones and jewels. He went over to the biggest bed and threw his stuff down. He grabbed his ink pen that was his pitchfork condensed and stepped out of the cabin. Outside was pure madness, everyone running around trying to see old friends and find their cabin. It was like the first day of school all over again. So with a deep sigh he took his first steps into the madness. The only thing on his mind was his fathers words. [color=662d91]"I hope the gods don't ruin this summer."[/color]