Tirdas, 26 of Last Seed Out treasure hunt went very well! The white phial was housed in an underground tomb inside a cave. The only things keeping us from just waltzing in and taking it were traps, which I spotted easily, and zombies, which were scarier than they were strong. Some only used basic weapons while few had magical powers, but the ones that did only knew frost spells, and as a vampiric force they barely harmed me at all. Stenvar on the other hand didn’t share my more unique traits, and was constantly complaining about how cold it was. In fact, he was so winy that I gave him an amulet I found that seemed to be imbued with frost resistance. And boy, did he shut up after that. That wasn’t all we found down there though, the place was filled with ancient Nordic weaponry and priceless jewels and metals. We made a killing off most of it, but I set aside a few pieces for myself and a little something for Stenvar. I now have a nice new bow that looks to be of Orcish make, a sword styled like those of the old Nords, a neckless enchanted to make myself less visible whilst sneaking, and a silver banded amethyst ring. Stenvar gets an old Nordic great-sword, but he seems happier with the gold I’m providing. If this hadn’t been such a successful expedition, I probably would have been angrier when that old sod only gave us five measly Septims. Well, until I had a talk with his assistant that is. I can’t quite blame him though, the phial was cracked when we found it, and that old elf seemed like he spent most of his life looking for the thing. But one really shouldn’t focus on the grim. For us, we’re kings for the day. Tonight we fill ourselves with mead, and tomorrow we depart to Solitude. [quote=@Azarthes] hi marik [/quote] Hi Aza! :) I don't know why, but your text sounds unbelievably happy.