[center][h3]Game Over Arcade 29/4/2015 Wednesday[/h3][/center] The tournament started, and Rui was doing fine, managing to qualify for the higher spots. Rikimaru and Seighardt had a pretty difficult time once they began vying for 5th and upward spot and were beaten fairly often, while Masahide was managing to go par with the top three. Although, what stood out to all of them, was one opponent, whom Rui eventually fought in the semi-finals. She used Margaret against him though, and he was handily beaten, no contest... He went on to vy for 2nd place with the other finalist and barely managed that, but the skill displayed was insane. He looked at the other matches too, and it seems she switched between Margaret, Marie and Elizabeth. He just took a step outside for a breather as the tournament concluded. [color=brown]"Woooo! That was good!"[/color], it was the tournament winner. [i]"You look like you had fun Shiki, now come on, you play these all the time when we were in Tokyo though..."[/i], [color=brown]"I know, but there were a lot of strong people here! And it was a tournament! Of course I had to"[/color], the finalist was a little girl. Well, she was adorable, so it was hard getting a little miffed about it. [hider=Results] Rui - Minazuki (2nd) Rikimaru - AkihikoR (5th) Masahide - Akihiko (3rd) Seighardt - Narukami (4th) Minazuki (8+1) vs Akihiko (8) MMAAM(IK) MMM (Minazuki Wins) Minazuki (8) vs Narukami (6) NMMM(IK) NNMMN NMNMM (Minazuki wins) Minazuki (8) vs AkihikoR (3) MMM RMRR MMM (Minazuki Wins) Narukami (6+1) vs Akihiko (8) ANANA(IK) AAA (Akihiko wins) Narukami (6+1) vs AkihikoR (3) ANNN NNAAN (Narukami wins) Akihiko (8) vs AkihikoR (3) ARRAA AAA (Akhiko Wins) [/hider]