I dunno, it would be kind of cool RP'ing how a fighting game match would turn out...But I can also see it being all really redundant and kind of anti-climactic. Like: [i]Ayano chose Filia and Kami chose Parasoul. It was a one-on-one fight so both of them had the same amount of health and basically dealt the same amount of damage to each other. Ayano thought she'd have the upper hand by choosing a rushdown character like Filia, but if there's one thing she knows from all those gameplay videos, it's that Parasoul is absolutely lethal when mastered. Their chosen stage was Nightmare Crest, she picked it just because of the overall weirdness of the stage, but that was nothing compared to Gehenna. As the battle began Ayano thought she could set up a quick juggle by using c.LP x2 -> c.LK -> c.MK -> s.HP -> j.MP -> j.MK -> Air Dash -> j.HP -> j.HK but she was caught off guard when Kami's Parasoul started the flow of battle by using Silent Scope, hitting Ayano's Filia and forcing her into a cripple state, his character started to set up a combo of s.LK x2 -> s.MP -> c.HP -> j.HP -> j.HK -> s.LK x2 -> s.HP x2 -> Napalm Quake. That certainly took out a hefty amount out of her health...[/i] At first it would be awesome yeah, but then you'd have to describe how they basically kept on repeating combos and all that.