[hider=Jade Orthell] Name: Jade Orthell, Jade Race: Human Age: 27 Gender: Female Appearance: [hider=Pic 1] [img]http://i765.photobucket.com/albums/xx300/vipershinzou/brina%20murphy/3_zps5b7c434a.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Pic 2] [img]http://i765.photobucket.com/albums/xx300/vipershinzou/brina%20murphy/BrinaMurphy42_zps597f2c9a.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Pic 3] [img]http://i765.photobucket.com/albums/xx300/vipershinzou/brina%20murphy/BrinaMurphy19_zpsf1952dc4.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Pic 4] [img]http://i765.photobucket.com/albums/xx300/vipershinzou/brina%20murphy/BrinaMurphy12_zps4552aa47.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Pic 5] [img]http://i765.photobucket.com/albums/xx300/vipershinzou/brina%20murphy/BrinaMurphy9_zps6655cacc.jpg[/img] [/hider] The tattooes are (not as seen in pictures but are still in the same place) different passages, runes, and spells from ancient books to protect Jade when fighting things stronger then humans. Her hair is almost always tied in a pony tail but her bangs still fall into her eyes. Clothing/Armor: Jade wears mostly soft leather that is held together by buckles. One can tell just by looking at her that the clothing is specially made and VERY expensive. Her top consists of a simple white cotton shirt that has the sleeves ripped off, over that is her tight leather vest that contains both visible and hidden pockets filled with small knives and small tools, these pockets aren't easily noticed unless one studies her clothing. Her pants are leather as well featuring a metal studded belt that is obviously specialty crafted, on her thighs are two large thigh holders for two long daggers. She wears leather boots up t her knees that are also featured with buckles and have spiked toes in order to deliver maximum kick damage. She wears leather braces with dense metal plating on her forearms to protection whilst using her own weapons as well as protecting against assailants attacks.[hider=thigh holsters and belt] [img]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=120497478[/img] [/hider] Weapons: [hider=Daggers on thigh holsters] [img]http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/Jagged_Blade.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Dagger connected by chain] [img]http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130617182318/typemoon/images/4/45/Dagger.png[/img] [/hider] This particular weapon has been passed down though her family for hundreds of years. It only purpose is to bind and trap those not of the surface world and return them. It also allows her to go for the kill if necessary. The enchantment doesn't work without the correct chant for the right supernatural or other world/dimensional being. [hider=Brass knuckles] [img]https://cdn1.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/smdTQeDp3XiBEkv3YxPE_QdlRrU=/0x0:1024x576/1280x720/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/46301866/acvi_knuckles_1024.0.0.png[/img] [/hider] have runes imbued upon them that help her pack a punch as well as subdue stronger then human entities. Alignment: Neutral Good Skills/Abilities: Jade is a purely combat person. Hand to hand and close range weapons are what she is best at. Long range is he greatest weakness for she is not very quick. Though when her weapons are in hand she is deadly accurate, weather with her daggers, her Kansa (the chained dagger) or throwing knives, or her brass knuckles, she can dominate a fight if she is able to use them in the correct fighting environment. Magic: Only her Kansa, her brass knuckles and her tattooes have magical properties to them, and only aid in the subduing of stronger then human entities. She can not cast, but she does perform chants that ignite the ancient magic in her Kansa. Backstory: The Orthell family is known for their long history of purification of unnatural and destructive entities from the world. Temples, schools and monuments have been resurrected in their name and are known nearly across the world. But a tragedy happened when Jade's father was alive, where a daemon (of GM's choice) sought to systematically destroy the Orthells by taking over the bodies of family members one at a time and killing entire families. Jade was 9 when her father succumbed to the daemon, having been locked in a binded cell for nearly all her life, his body finally gave out and the daemon broke free. Afraid, she ran to her parents room and hid in the trunk at the foot of their bed, terrified as she heard foot steps come closer and closer, a bright light lit up the trunk, and pressed against her arm was the family Kansa. Screaming, the Kansa imbued her first protective rune upon her left forearm just as the daemon (in her fathers body) opened the trunk and she stabbed him. Momentarily stunned, the daemon receeded slightly, and the fathers conscious came back to recite the words and caused the daemon to be sent back to the nether world. Now 27 years old, Jade travels the world, trying to rid the world of the same types of creatures that killed her family and is the sole heir to the Orthell line. She has been in Waldeshore for nearly three weeks. Drinking, disturbing the peace, and trying to relax for a while. She has no idea why she is drawn to certain places...but usually...that uneasy feeling is usually unsurfaced in the form of a being that worse then her after 6 hours of drinking and 2 bar fights. Jade refuses to continue the Orthell line and is reluctant to become friends or get close to anyone due to her fear of a daemon overcoming another person she cares about. [/hider]