Johnny had to admit something: he'd never fought someone like this before. The man could fly, for Pete's sake! He wondered what else Earth-people could do even as he settled into a comfortable fighting stance, one he had been in in countless fights. The other fighter's stance was...strange. He'd seen something similar once, when he'd fought a Rocker in a bar fight similar to this one. But this wasn't then. This was now, and this man was a complete stranger whose moves were 100% foreign to him. Hands loose and free, arms too. Feet planted firmly on the floor, but with relaxed legs and a relaxed stance, weight shifting gently from right to left to right and over again. Then, he began to tap. Tappity tap. Tap tap clack. The slow, soft rhythmic tapping of his plated dancing shoes was only made louder by the hard wooden floor he stood on. He went slow, not expending any of his energy on a complicated routine. Instead he simply made a beat by tapping his right foot on the floor in time with the song. The first beat of the bar always louder than the rest. Just like he'd been taught. Hands free and easy. [b]Clack[/b] tap tap tap. [sub][sub] one two three four[/sub][/sub] [b]Clack[/b] tap tap tap. [sub][sub] five six seven eight[/sub][/sub] Who was gonna strike first?