As Christa made her way out with Miles not far behind she took a deep breath of fresh air. She was nervous as hell. She jumped a little shen he began talking to her as she was off in her own little head thinking about what to say. She squinted a little as he asked her about what districts they were to patrol... In all the excitement she had forgot! As Miles joked she burst out laughing. It completely took her off guard. "Well then! Youre almost fully house trained!" She exclaimed laughing still. "But, the question is... As a treat do you prefer a toy to play with or a burger? ...Because I am famished and its almost lunch time!" She said grinning at him then she raised her arm and looked down at some smudged ink. She wrote her district area down on her arm..In case she forgot. "...and I know a great place in Koreatown.. which is by the way, were the lieutenant wants me to stick to today as this is my very first shift!" She exclaimed excitedly as she clapped her hands. Christa was a very bubbly, happy person. She wanted to be treated like a person, so she treated others like people too. Regardless of their race. She also wanted Miles to know that she had his back, just as she would want him to have hers, they were a team now. She had heard many times on the news that another K-9 had died due to their 'partners' ordering them into the line of fire just because they didnt want to do it... even though they are the ones the guns, not the k-9s! This human behaviour disgusted her. As she walked over to her car she opened the passenger seat for Miles. She was told by other human K-9 police officers that they made the K-9 sit in the back where the criminals sit... because they didnt want dog hair all over their car. Christa didnt like this. Humans shed skin cells all over the damn place, hence dust! But god forbid you got a dog hair on you. It made her a little angry. So she wanted to indicate to miles that, he was her equal. He could ride shotgun. He was we partner and she respected him. As she held the door open for him it gave her a chance to give him a once over. This caused her to smile quite severely at him. She found him rather cute indeed.