Isaura opened her eyes and felt for Zayden. Curiously she felt him further away than she had expected. She closed her eyes and allowed the various auras throughout his home to wash over her. She got up and stretched with a sigh before she stood from the bed. She moved toward the balcony and watched as Zayden and Woltar sparred. She could make out the outline of their figures but used the sight of her auras to help her identify the two. She was proud of Zayden in that he seemed to be holding up against Woltar. What Zayden lacked in experience, he made up for with enthusiasm or so it seemed. Isaura eyed Woltar’s aura and knew that he was holding back and personally she was glad. She didn’t think Zayden should be training with his wing still in the healing process, but this was something he needed to face. She assumed that maybe he did not want a repeat of what had happened last time. So she watched and willed herself to not interfere. Besides most men did not want some girl to interfere with his fight. Isaura watched the exchange of blows in quiet fascination. Zayden seed to be growing weaker and yet Woltar seemed to have an unlimited amount of energy to feed his dark aura. Shaking her head, she left the two to their business and left in search of food.