[hider=Avery Siler][center][img]http://th06.deviantart.net/fs49/PRE/f/2009/182/1/3/Magician_by_RebornArtist.jpg[/img][/center] [center](ignore the eye scar) 5'3'', Male, black hair, blue eyes and pale white skin[/center] [center][h3][color=Gold]Avery Siler[/color][/h3][/center] [center][h2]"[b][color=Lime]Rubick[/color][/b]"[/h2][/center] [color=Lime][h3]Age[/h3][/color] 14 [color=Lime][h3]Skills[/h3][/color] Fast and very, [i]very[/i], smart [color=Lime][h3]Power[/h3][/color] [color=LawnGreen]Power Mimicry[/color], he can copy his fellow recruits powers, but only one at a time, and he must wait about fifteen minutes before copying again [color=Lime][h3]Bio[/h3][/color] Avery Siler- child prodigy. "He'll take us to the stars", they said, as Avery was determined to have more than the average American adult's IQ at age 13, like the next Einstein of the modern world, skipping through most of middle school and teaching himself advanced lessons. He had been gifted since birth, where he was able to walk and talk and adapt at younger ages than most, and during preschool and kindergarten he soaked up information like a fire, teaching himself and advancing through school faster than any of his peers. He was going to be great, that is, until his alcoholic father stepped in. He was the type of "traditional" father, only tolerating an athletic and strong child, not some sissy who couldn't take his eyes off a book. That's where it came crashing down, his father had one too many beers that night, so his mother finally decided to take a stand against her husband, not wanting him to patronize their child any more. He didn't take too kindly to that, and his mother ended up with a lot more bullets in her head before, and his father did the same to himself, while Avery watched. Obviously, this did not have the most positive effect on him. Not too many days later, he was taken into Vlad's care for some very disturbing reasons, now known as the "Harley East High School Massacre". The scientists, noting his intelligence, decided that having a more strategic ability would allow him to take advantage of it when on missions, so they gave him the ability to duplicate his allies' abilities, and use them to their advantage.[/hider]