[@WeepingLiberty] Hunter felt good, he finally beat all three of the wooden figures. He then heard a more or less familiar voice. "[i]Not too shabby, what's your name kid?[/i]" Hunter turned around to face the other person. "Kid?" Hunter replied. "I ain't a kid." He shook the persons hand. "Hunter, Hunter Monroe." The man was tall, really tall compared to Hunter. This was not a feeling Hunter really liked. He was normally use to being one of the taller people, or average height. Then well they were shaking he offered a duel. "A duel?" Hunter always loved a good fight, though he had a similar feeling to that when he was being heckled playing cards with the Hermes kids. Hunter smiled. "I think I remember you now, You're one of the Ares kids aren't ya?" Name, name, name, name, What was his name?! "A... Wait... Caden?" Ya that was it. "I bet you think I am one of those demigods that after a winning fight will go against anyone because their ego is so pumped. I bet you think that I would just accept your challenge with out even thinking of the consequences or of the fact that you are more then likely to win then me?" Hunter laughed. "Well my friend..." He stepped back and drew his sword. "You are correct."