I'll be posting again soon, anyway, I have a comment to say on [@White Feather] Lexy's last post: [quote=@White Feather] [@KoL] Hr jaw hit the floor when Touka mention the Bible, however. Oh boy. Nothing could prepare Touka for the rant she was about to receive. [color=#a2a8ff]"You read the Bible? You're a Christian? Touka-chan, you Japanese beauty, where have you been all this time!? I look out at the temples and shrines and mikos and sometimes I forget I'm not the only Christian in Japan. You might just have made my entire day. Nothing can bother me now!"[/color] The last line was tempting fate, perhaps, but for a few minutes, Leagsaidh felt untouchable. A Japanese Christian! And to think that she almost never noticed her! Right now, she didn't know what was stopping her from sweeping Touka up in a giant hug and singing her praises. Somehow, she managed to keep talking without squealing like a fangirl. [/quote] Sure she forgot about our dear [@Spriggs27] Arisu-chan. But at least she'll have a good time until the curfew comes, right?