[h1][center][color=00aeef]Astrid Ashbourne[/color][/center][/h1] Astrid was walking down the beach in California. The weather was warm, with a nice breeze keeping her from getting too hot. She had left her shoes someone back along the beach. The sand between her toes felt unbelievably good. Standing there she clenched her foot feeling the warm of the sand covering her feet and the smell of the ocean on her face. She closed her eyes soaking up the environment. When Astrid opened her eyes she was in a different country. Paris France. The smell of freshly baked bread filled the air. She was standing by a fountain, listening to the french chatter. Looking around she saw a small bench and sat watching a couple walk by her. The couple glanced at her curiously. A girl with no shoes, covered in sand and warm weather attire was certainly a strange sight. When they had moved on, Astrid prepared to teleport again. She pictured herself tilting the earth under her. A sharp noise followed by her sudden appearance was the only noise that would have given her power away. Australia this time. She was near Sydney, on a small private beach. Turning in the sandy grass she looked at her home. She had built this modern house over the last two years. Private contractors had been a bitch to get to come this far out, but in the end it was worth it. And besides they didn't complain much when she told them how much she was willing to pay. Being a blackmarket transporter certainly had its benefits. Opening the glass door she walked in and moved to the kitchen. This place was by far her favorite place to be in the entire world. And she had visited her fair portion of it. Hephaestus kids had helped her out once the main building had been put together. Their magical machinery filled the walls of the house, so much that it was practically living. All she had to do was promise them some rare metal found in meteors and they were more than happy to help her automate her house. She opening the fridge and grabbed leftovers of a meal made by a five star cook in Britain, while saying, [color=00aeef]"Live set time to midday."[/color] Live was the main AI built into the house and she controlled nearly everything. Listening to Astrid's commands the lights adjusted themselves to represent the middle of the day. It was night in Australia, but she was still used to American time. Finishing the leftovers she tossed the tinfoil wrapper on the counter and changed into her camp gear. Skinny jeans and a black t-shirt with Camp Half-Blood written in orange across the front. As soon as she put on the Nike shoes she teleported out of the house. Astrid had forgotten about the lights, but of course Live would handle that. A crack resounded through the air. The walls were replaced by trees, wooden floor with dirt and grass. Back to her original home, the place she was raised. A couple campers nearby took a double take as she teleported in. Probably newbies, most of the older campers knew her from all the time she had spent there. Reaching to her neck she pulled out the necklace covered in beads. Seventeen in total. She was definitely the only person that had this many beads, but that was what happened when you were raised surrounded by half-bloods.