Adelisa nodded as Lila talked and smiled. She said "go to Jareth. I'm gonna be a-okay." She knew Lila cared about her and she knew Amelia would forgive her eventually, but right now she wanted to wash off the entire night. It wasn't that she felt worse or anything at all. In fact, she felt numb. Her entire being felt numb. As soon as Delilah left her, she walked to the bathroom and took a shower. She needed to wash off the night's events and the feeling of violation she always felt when her control was taken from her. She looked down at the tattoo on her calf and smiled. The tattoo was her mother's name in ribbon under a pink rose. Her mother's favorite flower was the rose and she died of breast cancer. It was easier to look at it and remember the pain of getting the tattoo instead of mourning her mother's death. It was the pain that kept her going because she atleast felt something. Her mind went to another tattoo design and she made the decision to go get another one tomorrow. Why not? It was vacation and she could do what she wanted. As she stepped out, she heard thudding from outside and went to go see what it was. Wrapping a towel around herself, she opened the door to see Hunter standing there. Her eyebrow rose and she crossed her arms across her chest. "You seem better than the last time I saw you. Then again, all I saw was your lips so I guess this is a vast improvement."