[color=39b54a][u]Blake and Leon[/u][/color] [@Wintergrey] Blake and Leon were at the entrance, assigned to great any returning campers and to welcome new comers. Leon had a clip board for the people that were expected while Blake was playing his music and doing the greeting. Leon counted the campers off then they both heard a bunch of people gasp and they both started to hear whispers of teleporting. Leon looked at Blake and they both smiled and knew who was coming. Since they came to Camp Half-Blood for a many years they had known Astrid. They would say Hi to her or sit next to her and all that but ya know not really converse. But they knew her. Leon saw her walking up and said with a welcoming smile [color=fff200]"Ya know for such a tiny person you always have such a big entrance. How ya doing Astrid?"[/color]