Superheroes and Super Villains all have their own cities to call home. For some, it's the great Metropolis. For others, it's none other than Gotham. For others still, it's Jump City. Slant City is none of these three. Slant City is a sprawling big city that some of the strangest and worst superheroes and super villains call home. Heroes and villains from other cities often make fun of the residents of Slant City, but how is that their business? It's not, most of the heroes and villains say. When the worst heroes and most flawed villains all gather in one city, day in and day out sure isn't boring. If only they can survive each other's incompetence for longer than five minutes, they may be able to enjoy life in Slant City. But that's not very possible, now is it? [b]Rules.[/b] 1. Pretty obviously, no godmodding/OP characters/metagaming/bunnying/you know the drill. Besides, this is a comedy RP. While fights will probably happen depending on what happens since this is largely sandbox, try to remember that the heroes and villains of this city are largely comedic and incompetent. 2. Romance is fine if it comes up, but sexual scenarios should be taken to PM. 3. Casual length, of course. At least a paragraph minimum per post. 4. You may have one hero and one villain to keep things pretty even. However, if you want something like a superhero duo or villainous duo, just bring it up to me with what you have planned and I may be flexible for you. 5. If you want a more dramatic or story-based plot arc to pop up from time to time, and have some ideas for that, don't be afraid to either PM me or bring it up in the OOC. But overly dramatic and complicated plot arcs will probably be shut down to keep the tone of the RP in tact. 6. Feel free to ask questions at any time. 7. Have fun with this. The world is your oyster. [u][b]Character Profile:[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] (What is their birth name?) [b]Alias:[/b] (What is their superhero/villain name?) [b]Superhero/Villain:[/b] (Are they a superhero or a super villain?) [b]Age:[/b] (Any age is fine, since many superheroes have different ages. But at least give them a minimum age of thirteen.) [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Powers/Equipment:[/b] (The world is your oyster, but I recommend that the sillier/more incompetent/more creative you make this, the better.) [b]Weakness(es):[/b] (Again, the more comedic, the better.) [b]Appearance:[/b] (A real picture or description is preferred, but if you need to, anime pics are fine.) [b]Personality:[/b] (At least a paragraph worth.) [b]Backstory:[/b] (At least two paragraphs worth.) [b]Other:[/b] [hider=Characters So Far] [b]Superheroes[/b] Charlie Constaway, The Cowboy Kid (DreadPirate) [b]Super Villains[/b] [/hider]