[@Remipa Awesome] Caden laughed at Hunter's response, finding the attitude refreshing. Not many people were too keen on talking back to anyone associated with Ares' Cabin. Unlike his step-siblings, Caden didn't mind a bit of fire in his opponents, someone who could challenge him rather than someone he could beat on. [color=f26522]"Yeah that's right."[/color] He retorted with a grin, pleased to hear that others knew his name. As it appeared, Hunter wasn't the only one with a pumped up ego. Stepping backward to increase the distance between him and Hunter, Caden allowed his arm to fall laxly to his side, fingers wrapped comfortably around the hilt of the baseball bat. His opponent had decided on drawing a sword, which meant Caden needed a weapon, but he didn't bother changing its form. He thought it would be more fun to win whilst pitting a sword against a godly bat. Rolling his neck and shoulders, Caden's excitement rose as he prepared himself for his first duel of the summer. [color=f26522]"Glad to hear it Hunter. We fight until incapacitation or surrender, sound good?"[/color] He asked, switching the bat from his left hand to his right, still leaving his body wide open for a strike. [color=f26522]"Anything you'd like to add before we begin?"[/color] To some Caden's tactics were odd, especially to the others of his cabin who preferred to dominate a match in everyway possible. But he didn't find a sure match interesting at all, it disgusted him to watch others bully their way to "victory" having known from the start that they would win. Personally, allowing his opponents to add rules of their own to his duels made it more interesting. He never knew what he was going to be faced with, challenges that could very well change the direction a duel would go. Just thinking about it sent shivers up his spine, the bat seeming to thrum in his hand.