[@WeepingLiberty] [i]"Anything you'd like to add before we begin?"[/i] Caden asked him. Hunter was open for a good fight, though he did have a slight issue. "One rule, try to avoid hittin' my head too hard." He pointed to the side of his head with his sword. "Hunting accident left some damage that even the Nectar is having trouble healing." Could be called an accident, if it wasn't for the fact he tried to fight a giant with a .22 rifle. Not an ideal weapon for that situation. He knew that his opponent was going to be hard to beat, and he knew there was a good chance of losing, though he figured he'd make a good impression that he can hold his ground against the six foot plus demigod from the Ares cabin. "One more thing, no nut shots, I know it's more or less an unspoken rule, but I want it a bit spoken." He readied his sword. "Ya ready man?"