[i][color=003471]Dante Guerrez[/color][/i] Dante woke up when the cabin door opened, and sleepily blinked one eye open to see Alistair walk in and throw his stuff on the biggest bed. She rolled her eyes. Of course he'd picked that one. Her bed was unobtrusively in the corner, the generous,y sized obsidian wardrobe beside it. She thought her half brother was a lazy git, if she was being honest, but he seemed to have a good relationship with their father, so figured there had to be something about him that she hadn't yet seen. She merely rolled over while he grabbed something else and then left again. Hmmm. If he was back, that meant today was return day for the summer campers. Groaning, she rolled out of bed and fell to the floor. Dante was never at her best in the mornings. She walked out of the Hades cabin a few minutes later, having taken a quick shower and feeling alert. Her Stygian iron sword was strapped across her back in a sheath as she always wore it, knives strapped at her sides. She'd learned the virtues of always being prepared. Maybe the sword was a bit overkill, but she loved the sword and the feeling it gave. It was always useful for channeling her summoning powers if she needed to, too. She greeted some of the older campers with grins, waving to them as she strode around. She didn't exactly have much of an aim, but was just curious to see the new arrivals. Dante wasn't exactly an old camper herself, having come pretty late at the age of fourteen, especially for a kid of the Big Three. She nodded at Dorian, spotting him walking into the camp. The guy wasn't bad, but he'd never seemed that eager for friends and Dante kept her distance. [@TheHunter] She came across Julia and waved, giving her a wide grin. Julia, like her, stayed at the camp year round. [color=004b80]"Heya, Jules,"[/color] she said easily, falling into stride behind her. "Seen any new kids around?"