Rae-Ah quietly nodded in response to Nova's introduction. The girl had an air of self-confidence around her, so there was no doubt she was also confident they were going to make it through the day the way they were. However, the girl was not sure of Nova's choices in edible supplement. How did she know the oddly-colored tall grass was edible? That information was not ingrained in anyone else, otherwise they would have eaten the plants earlier. Certainly, not even the older man knew, Rae-Ah deducted as she watched him slice a chunk of the venison and hold it out in her direction. God knows where the deer even came from, but she'd have to trust the group that formed, otherwise she'd be all alone in this foreign land. [color=teal]"If our circumstances absolutely demand it, I suppose we should travel. After all, the plains lay scarce of any traces of water..."[/color] the girl took a step behind Marcus to bring herself out of everyone else's line of sight. That was the most she'd said during the entire day. Rae-Ah's hunger was beginning to get painful, along with her thirst- but definitely not for water. Her head increased in temperature drastically, which worried Rae-Ah. The red markings on her forehead started to emit a bright, crimson aura. The more pain she was in, the more light it shone. From behind Marcus, Rae-ah reached an arm out towards Luke who openly offered the meat, only to retract it once she realized it was probably rude to ask first. She proceeded to keep her head down as she stood in Marcus' shadow. [@PKMNB0Y] [@WeepingLiberty] [@SadCubone]