[hider=My Character Sheet] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] [s]Charles[/s][i] Charlie Constaway[/i] [b][u]Alias:[/u][/b] The Cowboy Kid (Temporary, he is still finding himself) [b][u]Superhero/Villain:[/u][/b] Superhero [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 17 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Powers/Equipment:[/b][/u] Is able to shoot lasers from index finger tips at will, has to be making finger gun with hands to fire. Has spurs on the heel of his boots.Deputy badge doubles as a small bulletproof shield. Lasso (he is still getting the hang of using it.). White cowboy hat with black trim. [u][b]Weakness(es):[/b][/u] Dense metal (Lasers ricochet off it), Chinese finger traps, Anything that can kill/hurt a normal human being, Needs to blow off finger tips after six shots (per hand) otherwise burning may occur, Broken fingers, Bulls. [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] About 6 feet tall, Caucasian, Athletically built but not the bull of the barn by any means. Long brown hair he wears like Han solo, Crystal blue eyes, and a long protruding nose. He wears a ranch hand outfit from the 80's and black cowboy boots, wears his shirt slightly unbuttoned at the top and tucked in. [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Cocky as they come and twice as cheesy Charlie he idolizes men like John Wayne and Clint Eastwood, He likes to whistle classic western tunes when he faces off with thugs. Deep down he's a sweetheart and too trusting, some would say stupid but that might just be due to his actual Midwest accent. He fakes a southern one pretty well due to some time he spent with family in Georgia. Loyal is a good word to describe him but other than that he's just your normal 17 year old. He's still finding who he wants to be as a superhero, always for the good will of others even if he came from a spoiled suburb home. [u][b]Backstory:[/b][/u] Growing up Charlie was infatuated with being a cowboy, watching everything he could about how to be the best cowboy he could. All the old westerns he knows line for line, He wanted to be that man's man on the big screen. Though he always liked to side with outlaws like billy the kid he felt he could never be that dastardly of a character. Justice was in his blood. His father grew up in the south on a ranch and his mother grew up in a rich family from New Hampshire. The couple met at college and decided Slant city was a good place to get a job since many couldn't handle the constant fighting between superheroes which weren't even exciting to watch. Charlie was an only child and when he played with the other kids down the street it was always cowboys and Indians. Charlie never really embraced his somewhat goofy southern side until he discovered his powers. At the age of 15 Charlie was watching fireworks with his friends and was pretending to shoot a finger gun as the fireworks went off. However as pubescent Charlie shot at a firework a surge of red light went down his arm and out of his finger. Bewildered Charlie stopped as the immense pain set in. For two years he has been practicing his accuracy and developing a pain tolerance to the heat and explosive power. Still unsure of why or how he has these powers he decided ignorance is bliss. He has since embraced his southern roots and has taken his fathers old ranch hand outfit for his costume and a mask from his lone ranger Halloween costume to protect his identity. [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] Loves big league chew [/hider]