[b][i]Name:[/i][/b] Fiona Dunbar [b][i]Alias:[/i][/b] The FemiNazi [b][i]Superhero/Supervillain:[/i][/b] Superhero [b][i]Age:[/i][/b] 16 [b][i]Gender:[/i][/b] Female [b][i]Powers/Equipment:[/i][/b] The Scooter of Equality: This bedazzled scooter is the Feminazi's preferred mode of transport. It's kinda fast. Faster than walking, at least, and a lot cheaper than the metro. The Pamphlets of Knowledge: She has a satchel full of pamphlets about how to be politically correct towards women, who are of course, superior to men and thus deserve all their respect. They give killer paper cuts, especially when she throws them at her opponents. The Baseball Bat of Women Are Better Than Men AKA The Equality Dispenser: This is the Feminazi's weapon. She uses it to beat up men she deems sexist and women she deems not pro-feminism enough. -She has no superpowers except an unnatural talent to gravitate towards places of rampant sexism. [b][i]Weaknesses:[/i][/b] -Well thought out arguments to whatever statement she makes. -Sandwiches. They remind her of the oppression of women too much and makes her faint (Go into the kitchen and make me a [b]sandwich[/b]!). She also has a personal vendetta against all Subway branches. -Kitchen utensils (Go into the [i]kitchen[/i] and make me a sandwich!) [b][i]Appearance:[/i][/b] Fiona is a tall and lanky girl with frizzy blonde her and wide green eyes hidden behind thick glasses. She has freckles all over her face, full lips, and very sticky out ears which she's very sensitive about. Her hands are rather big, and she's got as many curves as a straight road. When fighting crime, she wears a blue sweater with a swastika on top of an F on it, jeans and blue sneakers. [b][i]Personality:[/i][/b] Fiona is a human rights activist, and strongly believes in justice and fairness fr all. She also believes that all women are better than men and that men need to stop being proponents of the patriarchy and that boys should play with girl toys only or else they'll turn into women hating men just like the rest of them and she sees absolutely nothing conflicting in any of the views she holds. Despite this, Fiona is a smart girl. She does very well in school, but doesn't have too many friends because she's condescending and always going on about things no one really cares about. She's very determined, not very observant, and is always on the lookout of instances of sexism so that she can be the FemiNazi. [b][i]Background:[/i][/b] Fiona grew up a sweet and relatively normal girl until she watched a feminist rally on TV one night. She was immediately enamoured, and became a diehard feminist. Her family (parents and two younger sisters) hated this change, especially how Fiona kept berating her mother for making dinner even though she always ate the most. She started a feminist club at her school which gained members quickly, but lost them twice as fast due to her overzealous nature. The people at school started calling her the FemiNazi behind her back. Although she was hurt when she found out, she ignored it, becoming even more serious for the cause. She got the idea for becoming the FemiNazi after watching Kick-Ass, made her jumper that night with a marker and Google images, and started advancing the cause of justice and equality the very next day. She's an Internet sensation now, although no one amazingly knows who she is. [b][i]Other:[/i][/b] N/A