Marcus threw his hand in the air at the sheer [i]inanity[/i] of the statements that the old man was throwing at them. What, so it was a GOOD thing that he was eating a deer that was CLEARLY not safe for consumption by anything less than the insects that were wriggling about on the ground? Was this man all right in the head? "...Yeah, that's it, wait up a sec, Ada-" he began to say as Rae-Ah began to reach for the deer offered by the crazy rancher... Person... Thing. Actually, at this point, Marcus wasn't too far off from just labeling the man as insane and no more. "...Yeah, sorry, don't think it's a good idea to eat that stuff, regardless of what you are now." he said, and, with a sigh, shook his head as he turned towards Adam and Nova as Luke seemed to storm off in the opposite direction. "...Don't worry, just leave him be." he said to both Rika and Rae-Ah, the only two who seemed to remain hesitant about the situation. "If he's going to insist on eating that godforsaken decaying flesh, then let him. Come on, we've got civilization to find." Glancing at Rae-Ah, though, Marcus noticed the quite out-of-place glow on the center of her forehead, which worried him. Shit. That was... Probably not a good sign. Maybe it was...? The heat coming off of her was getting increasingly stronger, and by the looks of things it was DEFINITELY not a fever... "I don't think it's safe to wait around, though. Let's move." It worried him, but with absolutely no clue about the girl's physiological state all he could really do was push forward. "Yo, Adam! Wait up!" Marcus exclaimed, jogging over to the other two before beckoning those behind him to follow behind. Surely they weren't going to follow that [i]madman[/i], right? [@Tokki][@SadCubone][@VitaVitaAR][@WeepingLiberty][@Zombehs]