Hugging himself tightly raking his fingers through his hair, murmuring to himself. Bug didn't want to look at her-- he knew she was just trying to be nice... But it was dangerous. Last time something like this happened he couldn't walk for a good week until the marks healed on his back and legs, but he craved any kind positive affection which he never got from anyone in the family. "How can I trust you? You're friends with Annabelle... Why would you wanna be friends with me, I mean Annabelle is better." He'd never had any friends before-- but he was told millions of times that no one would want to be friends with a [i]nothing[/i] like him. "They uh, they told me that people can't be friends with a monster." Bug was just repeating what Mr and Mrs. Fray had drilled into his head over the year. Bug knew he was nothing, a monster. A thing that wasn't good for anything-- that he was lucky they even let him live and stay here. They didn't ask for him but they made the best of it. Thinking they were good people for keeping Bug and giving him another to keep living and all he had to do was a [i]little[/i] housework. Shifting his gaze to meet hers, [i]room? He didn't have a room.[/i] Besides the closet when Annabelle or peter had friends over, but he slept under the kitchen table.