Character Profile: Name: Selcen Ozturk (pronounced as Seljen Erztoork) Alias: Technet Superhero/Villain: Villain Age: 13 Gender: Female Powers/Equipment: Selcen has a multitude of robotic minions at her disposal. In addition, she has external robotics that she wears around her hands and legs that increase her strength and speed (but only when they are turned on). Selcen is great at anything mechanical or dealing with computer programming. Weakness(es): Being 13 and in a working class family, the materials Selcen had access to are less than quality. Her primary source of metal and circutry is her father's auto garage and the dumpster behind the local Radio Shack. School also figures into Selcen's schedule, because she may be an evil genius bent to take over the world, but she will graduate middle school first! Also, she is a 13 year old, she's pretty non threatening and not very strong physically. Appearance: Selcen dresses in oversized clothing, particularly a large neon green and black striped hoodie, and a long black skirt with pants the same color as her hoodie underneath. Her shoes are missmatched, one is hot pink with black laces and the other is black with pink laces. Her skin is a light tan, and her eyes are usually covered by a pair of copper colored aviator goggles. Selcen doesn't dye her hair, so to keep up her gauty color scheme, Selcen is almost always clad in a blindingly pink headscarf as well. Her hair is black and styled into a pixie cut on the off chance she just didnt want to cover it. Personality: Selcen is a sweet little girl actually. Nothing about her well mannered nature suggest she wants robot apocalypse. She is, however, very misanthropic, though she does not want humanity to suffer and hopes their extinction will be quick and painless. Selcen is a recluse, and only leaves her home when it is absolutely necessary. She has a love for bright colors and pop music, especially Turkish and Balkan pop. Give her a CD and she'll be very happy for most of the week. But do not damage her robots; Selcen sees her creations like children and best friends, and gets furious if anyone even criticises them without telling her how to fix the problem. Backstory: Selcen Öztürk was born in Slant City to Mehmet and Ayşa Öztürk, two Turkish Immigrants from Konya. From her youngest years, it was shown that Selcen was not a normal child. By 2 she was already surpassing her 15 year old Sister and 7 year old brother in terms of ability. When she had entered into School, Selcen had already studied advanced computer programming, and knew not only English and Turkish, but Ottoman Turkish, Arabic and many other languages. Selcen's intellegence made her a very quick outcast in school, and seeking some kind of friendship, saw a newspaper article about Robotics and artificial intelligence. Selcen fell in love with the challenge and started making her own robotic friends and companions; though the isolation of talking to Robots all day was making her kind of strange. By 12 Selcen was a full blow recluse, only leaving her house to go to school and get parts and books for building her robots. Selcen had become convinced that robots were the future and that humans were obsolete, and must be replaced by robots. Seeing herself as their harbinger, Selcen will bring forth the Rule of the Machines. At least she says she will, Selcen's villany is half hearted at best, and not even her parents are concerned about her vividly imaginative plans of conquest. Other: Selcen wants a caesium power core as her 14th birthday present.