[center][hider=Arguis][img]http://mayhemandmuse.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/A-fantasy-Photoshop-painting-in-which-a-boy-plays-chess-with-mice-while-confetti-and-streamers-fall.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Arguis [i]Might[/i] 8 3 FreePoints (15 used to become Level 20.) [i]Level[/i] 20 [b]Domains/Portfolios:[/b] Knowledge (Nigh Omniscience) Summary: Arguis meditates high above Galbar, watching everything go on. Quiet, for now... [/hider][/center] Arguis drifted away from everything in a sense. As if now, he wanted silence. He had grown tired of the gods, tired of Galbar, they had grown boring. He needed to find out why. Arguis sat crisscross apple sauce, floating high above Galbar, it's serenity proved to calm his soul. Unfortunately, Galbar was far from serenity and calm, he knew that himself. The people of Galbar were going to war, the god of Chaos was having a merry time messing with everything, the Dragon god had gone and overstepped his boundaries, all things that he saw long before, actually at the moment of his conception. Arguis felt no pleasure in being the holder of almost all the knowledge in the universe, their was no satisfaction in knowing all things, for Arguis, their was only loneliness and despair. Why the sudden change in attitude? Arguis did not know it himself, meditation gave beings time to think, and he came to this conclusion. Arguis sighed, he was the god of Knowledge, and yet he did not spread it. He knew all things yet he did not give answers. He understood all things that he did not help others understand. What was the point of his conception? His current existence was an insult to those who created him. What was left for him to do? Theses were the times that Arguis hated the most. This times were he did not have the answer to his own question. Arguis made up his mind. If the answer would not revel itself to him, then he would revel it himself. With the knowledge of the universe at his disposal, Arguis would change this for Galbar, weather the other gods found this to be a hindrance or an advancement, he did not care. First thing was first, Arguis would help bring order to Galbar. In order to do that, he would need to become order itself.