Woltar smiled realizing the actual fuel behind Zayden's new found want for training. he would start of showing Zayden a few basic strikes and stances teaching him how to maximize his punches and where to place them on an opponent to incapacitate them. Woltar would then begin the shadow dance with him (Slow motion fighting utilizing what he was taught so far) Impressed at how few times Zayden took the wrong action Woltar cocked a smile. "good job Lord Makeru, I'm quite proud of you" he said. As the sparring continued Woltar sped up a bit turning it up to a more so real sparring match watching Zayden make less and less mistakes from the few taught moves. "Now that you have an ok grasp on offense lets get to work on defense this will push you to your breaking point and once there you will have access to something you didn't know existed within you. are you ready Lord Makeru. "Yes lets go Woltar would weave his arms and tell Zayden to move, which he couldn't the next hour or so was brutal to Zayden as he receive a series of crushing blows that seemed to heal not long after he was hit but the pain was all to lasting As Zayden let out holler after holler of pain filled screams but refused to give in. "Your mothers blood is beginning to awaken you will heal most minor damage but broken bones torn ligaments are out of your grasp at the moment, but you have done well so go rest up" Woltar said as it had begun to get later into the evening.