Even the map maker's pessimistic attitude could not dampen Wystan's mood tonight. "Yer just wishin' you'd have found 'em first," he accused Roman. "Hey, Marzi, some of that mead over here for us," he yelled across the room to the pretty tavern wench as he slid into the chair next to Roman, unable to wipe the grin from his face. "You still thinkin' bout comin' along tomorrow?" He'd been hinting at the scholar for the past few days that he wanted him to come along, but it seemed like it was time to make it explicit. "No tellin' how many twists and turns and dead ends we might find. Havin' someone long to make sure we don't get lost be mighty handy. Course..." he paused, taking a draw from his pipe, "we'll still share the treasure with ya, even if you don't think we're gonna find any."