No reviews have been written yet, just humble ol' me putting up the list and getting the coding down to make this easier when I get back to it. Okay. Cool. REVIEW CHECKLIST: I've reviewed the poems. Prose will be next. [u][b]PROSE[/b][/u] [hider=A Tale of Two Soldiers][/hider] [hider=The Birth of a Unlucky Star][/hider] [hider=Wise Men][/hider] [hider=As Beautiful as the Stars][/hider] [hider=Per Aspera, Ad Astra][/hider] [hider=Cosmic Mind][/hider] [hider=Star Crossed][/hider] [u][b]POETRY[/b][/u] [hider=The Meta Universe]I don't know if this can be quite classified as a poem, but I also suppose the rules of any written art can be broke in some sort of fashion. Anyway, I loved the conversational tone of the piece. The back and forth dialogue from an optimist against the pessimist. Your use of vocabulary was done well, but if I were to say the primary problem of the piece was is that it lost it's flow halfway through. The lines were shorter in the beginning than they were in the end. That pacing of the two conversationists was enticing and engaging, and then suddenly the end dragged out with what seemed like ranting. Ranting in itself is fine but structurally it takes away the impact of the deep thought the poem has within itself. And usually in conclusions of any type of written work, you want the ending to hit with a bang rather than a dull plop. Otherwise, this was an intriguing idea carried out in a fun format. Well done my friend. [/hider] [hider=Time and Space]Not the epic poem you put up like the last time, but hey, we all can only push ourselves to put down awesome pieces of poetry so much in so little time lol. And that doesn't even mean this poem is bad. Quite the opposite. Rhythm and flow, and Holmishire already pointed out some of the aspects of the meter. At first I'm not sure what to think of this. But as I re-read, your title became more and more fitting. Time and space interlocked was a key theme. Concepts of time and the vast space that we inhabit. Looked at as separate, but in fact not at all. Coexisting, coinciding together with threads of different actions, reactions, and consequences. Short and concise, beautifully written. Well-executed, though perhaps it might have been lacking the punch. Something about it made me a little indifferent though I recognize the effort behind the idea is admirable and a rather hefty thing to undertake. You're pretty good with the poems, keep it up. [/hider]