The light had grown almost blinding by the time everyone was done talking. Rae-Ah didn't notice this with her eyes shut in cold sweat. Everything came as a blur, barely being able to comprehend their words in between the white, hot flashes of pain. The man earlier, Luke, he was heading towards the opposite direction. But why? Why couldn't they all stay together? The questions flew in circles around her head, bombarding her conscience. The priestess did [i]not[/i] belong here. Much less, not in that monstrous form... [color=f7941d]“We don’t need all three of us in possible danger.”[/color] [i]Danger...? I don't...[/i] [b][color=f7941d]“Rae! Look at me!”[/color][/b] Adam's yelling brought her back to her senses. Eventually, the markings faltered with its glow, but it hadn't stopped completely; it was dim at the least... and it would stay like that- unless they found something to eat within the next couple of hours. The heat and pressure from her head caused a tiny stream of blood to flow from her nose, but it was nothing she couldn't handle. [color=teal]"I... I truly am sorry, I did not mean to alarm anyone. The events of today... has rendered me a little weaker than what I am normally. I am sorry, again, but please do not worry!"[/color] her voice shook but she was steadfast in her response. Rae-Ah decided she simply could not hold them back from proceeding further into salvation. For the good of everyone on the team, she had to suck it up for as long as she could manage, no matter how much discomfort she was going through. Rae-Ah held a hand up to her face to provide pressure to her nasal canal in an effort to stop the bleeding. The blood stained the sleeve of her previously immaculate robe, but that didn't matter. They had to move-- and quick. She gave a reassuring look to everyone within the vicinity, with a flash of worry as soon as she glanced at Luke. Rae-Ah probably could not convince him if she tried, but she looked to Marcus and Adam to reconsider bringing him along with them. [@PKMNB0Y] [@Zombehs] [@SadCubone]